Mary McCarthy 

 October 8, 2020

Mary is a Principal Strategist for Forum for the Future and focuses on Forum’s sustainable nutrition work aimed at transforming the agricultural system to deliver regenerative ecosystems, provide nutritious food, and improve farmer livelihoods. Mary leads Forum’s efforts to accelerate the transition to regenerative agriculture in the US by working with diverse stakeholders collectively activating their expertise, resources, and influence to deliver net-positive environmental and social outcomes. As part of the global Protein Challenge, Mary worked with a collaborative group of retailers, brands, suppliers, and NGOs to increase consumer demand for plant-based protein and create a sustainable protein system. Outside of the food sector, she supported the development of the Beauty and Personal Care Industry’s first aligned product sustainability rating system. Prior to joining Forum, Mary researched the decline of biodiversity at the Museum of Natural History and the University of Michigan, with a focus on the impacts of agricultural systems on the Great Lakes. Mary transitioned from academic research to work as the Director of Operations at Heritage Foods USA, a mission-based business dedicated to bringing biodiversity back into the food system.


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