Carlotta Mast 

 March 19, 2018

Carlotta Mast is the senior vice president of content and insights for Informa’s Global Health & Nutrition Network, which includes the New Hope Network. Carlotta is also the board president of Naturally Boulder, a 1,200-member trade group with the mission of nurturing community, leadership and innovation in the Colorado natural products industry. In addition, she serves on the boards of Naturally Bay Area, the first affiliate group of Naturally Boulder; the Climate Collaborative, a nonprofit whose mission is to leverage the power of the natural products industry to reverse global warming; and the Supplement Online Wellness Library (OWL), an industry-wide, self-regulatory initiative designed to create a rich and more complete picture of the dietary supplement marketplace for regulators, retailers and industry. In 2013, Carlotta co-founded a paleo snack company called Wholly Bites, which hit the market well before Whole Foods Market and other retailers began adding paleo sections to their stores. Wholly Bites was sold in 2016 and is now marketed under the Thrive Tribe brand.


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