Marc Ian Barasch 

 March 22, 2017

In 2006, Marc Ian Barasch founded one of the pioneering organizations of the global regeneration movement, the Green World Campaign, based on an ethos of “green compassion” that integrates ecological health, social wellbeing, and universal spiritual values. The GWC has planted millions of trees and practiced eco-agriculture in 9 countries on three continents, restoring degraded landscapes, alleviating poverty, and increasing food security in communities that struggle on the front lines of climate change.  He is the author of the bestseller The Compassionate Life, which helped inspire the Compassionate Cities movement and the film “I Am (in which he co-starred), He is CEO of Green World Ventures, a “regenerative food industry” in Nigeria based on “superfood” moringa trees, working with 100,000 smallholder Igbo farmers to produce a new source of protein for West Africa and the world using biodiverse perennial agriculture.   A persistent catalyst for social change, Marc has edited culture-shifting U.S. magazines like Psychology Today, Natural Health, and New Age Journal; created global environmental TV specials for Ted Turner seen by billions; created the award-winning “Text TREE” installation on Times Square; and has written seminal books on holistic health and human potential. He served on the U.N. committee for the International Year of Forests, introduced the Green World Charter at a plenary session of the Parliament of the World’s Religions; and helped launch AFR100 (to restore 100M hectares in Africa by 2030) at the Landscapes Forum in Paris during COP21. For over a decade, he has worked tirelessly toward a rapid shift beyond sustainability to regeneration to achieve an audacious goal: to “ReGreen the World in One Generation!”


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