Kenneth Lee 

 July 15, 2018

Kenneth Lee is Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Lotus Foods, one of the most innovative, organic and fair trade specialty rice brands in the country. Its products have received many awards from the Specialty Food Association and Natural Products trade groups. Ken has over 20 years of experience importing rice from smallholder farmers in developing countries who had no previous export experience and providing them access to a global marketplace. Responsible for establishing Lotus Foods’ primary account base, Ken has developed extensive personal and capacity-building
relationships with the company's suppliers throughout the world. Prior to founding Lotus Foods, Ken worked in the insurance industry and was a financial consultant. He has a BA in Political Science from the University of Rhode Island. Sampling of Speaking Invitations

2008 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting, Panelist
2009 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting, Plenary Session Speaker
2010 Global Philanthropy Forum
2012 Bioneers Conference
2014 Sustainable Foods Summit
2015 Bioneers (Funding Your Enterprise from Day1)
2012, 2013 Yale University, Unite For Sight Global Health
2013, 2015 2017 National Coop Grocers (NDG) Convergence

2017 Conscious Leaders Award for Global Impact, Judges Choice, Conscious Company
2016 Leadership Award for Citizenship, Specialty Foods Association
2011 Biodiversity Award – Leadership, Union for Ethical BioTrade

Member: Social Venture Network


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